Accelerate your Quran study
Iqraa - Read! Join our ever growing community to start reading the Quran in Arabic, today.
Meet Iqraa App, the easiest way to learn how to read the Message of Allah just as He sent it: in Arabic.
Personal reading assistant, vocabulary tutor and memorization aide, Iqraa has all the tools you need - whatever your Quran learning goal.
Most of us in the Ummah today don't speak Arabic. We have to try to understand the Quran from a distance, through others, rather than studying the Word of Allah directly ourselves.
But the very first word that Allah sent to the Prophet (peace be upon him) was "Iqraa!" - Read! He later said, "Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so that you may understand" (12:2), and "It is a Book whose verses are perfectly explained, a Quran in Arabic for those who know" (41:3).
Clearly, it's important for us believers to be able to read the Quran as He intended, in Arabic. But most tools for learning Arabic focus on the language as it's spoken today - so different from the Quran that even native speakers often struggle to understand. And formal classes usually take an old-fashioned approach, teaching you a lot of dry, confusing grammar that doesn't get you any closer to really reading on your own.
Iqraa is here to change all that. Meet the world's first app designed to help you learn Arabic, custom-tailored to your personal needs using the most advanced language-learning technology available.
Who wants to spend months on complicated grammar before even reading a single ayah? With Iqraa's assisted reading features, start reading immediately. Can't read Arabic letters yet? Iqraa's got you covered there, too.
Iqraa does all the hard work to make sure you learn, and remember, with the least effort possible. Iqraa tracks every new word you learn as you read, then lets you know when it's time to review - before you forget anything.
No need to schedule classes with an instructor. Iqraa accompanies you as you progress at your own rhythm, letting you know what to work on and when it's time to study based on your own individual progress.
Iqraa gets you started reading the Quran right away, helping you develop an intuitive understanding of its language directly by reading the text.
All great achievements begin with a small step, just as our Lord created man from a single clinging clot. Start small with understanding basic words & phrases in context. Then build back up until you fully understand the entire original passage, the ayah and the surah.
Get explanations of grammar only when you really need it.
Benefit from cutting-edge language science to learn and remember with minimum effort. Iqraa's study system is built on an algorithm of how the brain remembers information, tested on millions of people.
When you encounter words that you don't know yet Iqraa will reveal their meaning, then have you review them exactly when needed for you to remember them most effectively.
Focus your efforts for the biggest impact: by learning only ~600 words, you will already know the 80%+ most-used words in the Message of Allah! One word at a time, you'll soon be understand the whole Quran on your own.
Generic one-size-fits-all programs often don't fit your individual needs. Iqraa is different, generating custom-built study sessions based on your progress, tailored to your personal needs & goals.
As you go through the Quran, mark what you already understand and what you don't. Iqraa will automatically focus your study efforts on what you most need help with, when you need it.
Progressively build your understanding piece by piece and see how quickly you'll understand more and more as time goes on!
Each of us has our own reasons for studying the Quran. Whether your goal is to learn the Quran by heart, to master recitation, or simply to develop a closer relationship with Allah by reading His Message directly, Iqraa is here to help you achieve it.
Iqraa Mode: learn to read and understand the Quran in Arabic, word-by-word. This is the basic mode, best for new learners.
Hafez Mode: expand your learning beyond memorizing individual words & ayahs to the entire Quran, either surah by surah or using the traditional juz'/hizb system. It's said that there are 200 million hafez in the world today - with Iqraa's help, you can become one too.
Tajweed Mode: perfect your recitation of the Quran. Choose a section of the text, recite it aloud and Iqraa will give you feedback on what you got right and where you need to practice more.
Iqraa - Read! Join our ever growing community to start reading the Quran in Arabic, today.